Radio & Navigation Services

Radio & navigation services Category includes Companies offering sales, installations, Class Inspections, service and maintenance of Radio, Satellite, Communication and Navigational equipment. Companies specialize in servicing communication, navigation, and safety electronic equipment, including but not limited to Maritime traffic control equipment (integration of observation systems, radiocommunications, simulators GMDSS, navigation, VTS), Navigation systems (self-steering systems, GPS navigators, echo sounder systems, navigation receiver, Navtex receiver, VDR / S-VDR, gyrocompass systems, autopilot systems, trip measurement systems, fish finder, AIS, SSAS), Maritime safety and rescue (GMDSS, fleet control management, electronic charts, fight against pollution, radiolocation, MF/HF, VHF), Communications (fiber optics, integration and control of systems, radio links, wireless, telephony and satellite communications, videoconference, Imarsat, Iridium, VSAT), Ship antennas (intercoms, battery-free telephone systems, automatic telephone systems, nautical chart plotter), Radar systems (river and sea radar systems, X-Band radar, S-Band radar), avigation aids, navigation software (navigation charts, electronic nautical charts)...

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Ship repair – Diving Services – Cargo Lashing – Marine Services. Serving all ports in Vietnam.

Asia 7 Seas Marine & Engineering is one of the leading ship suppliers /chandler, ship repair and maintenance companies in the Bangladesh region. Our technical service & supply team is ready to serve ship manager, ship owner and agents 24/7…

Ship Stores Supply, Safety Navigation Expert and Ship’s Technical Repairing

Hello !!! We are supplier of all types of ship machinery and spares and all ship related equipments so if you have any requirements then contact us. W : E :  

We Are Ship Agents & Ship Chandlers : Suez Canal Transit, Crew Change & Ctm , F.water Supply , Sludge and Garbage Disposal , Marine Contractors, Provisions, Ship Supplies, Spare Parts, Repairs, & Maintenance etc.. We provides its…

Vishwas Integrated Marine Group of Companies like Vishwas Integrated Marine India, UAE, Egypt, Singapore and the Netherlands, are well established, qualified and experienced marine electronic service provider and supplier of all type of Marine…