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Crew changing, Crew see doctor, CTM, Forwarder, Provision Supply, Workshop service, New building, Dry docking services China

Liferaft Systems Australia (LSA) is a dynamic company formed specifically for the design and manufacture of high quality Marine Evacuation Systems (MES) and large capacity liferafts.

Navigation communication safety communication equipment supplier in Greece, Cyprus, Germany

Navigation equipment, Communication equipment, Safety communication equipment supplier

In operation since 1898, the Vane Brothers Company offers an ever-expanding range of maritime services all along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.

Fire Fighting Equipment services & Life-Saving Equipment services in Bangladesh

Fire Fighting Equipment services & Life-Saving Equipment services, Annual Inspection of Free Fall Life Boat in Bangladesh

Fire extinguishing equipment and systems inspection and maintenance. Inspections and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus in Chile

Fire extinguishing equipment and systems inspection and maintenance. Inspections and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus.

Electrical, Automation, Navigation and Communication for Marine, Offshore and Industrial segments

One of the leading solutions provider of Electrical, Automation, Navigation and Communication for Marine, Offshore and Industrial segments.

Motor and Generator Services, Transformer Services, Switchgear Services. Electrical and Mechanical services in Singapore.

Maintech Engineering & Supplies Pte Ltd (MES) is a leader in electrical and mechanical engineering.

SEASAFE offering a diverse range of LS and FF services in the marine and industrial sector in Bangladesh.

Nautical instruments, magnetic compasses, sextants, yacht compasses, electronic navigation, nautical inventory. Made in Germany.

For more than 100 years Cassens & Plath has been bringing aboard navigation in the utmost precision and trend-setting quality