Fire Fighting Equipment Services

Directory Category comprises Companies producing, selling and servicing fire fighting equipment. Fire fighting equipment include different types of fire extiguishers, parts and accessories, portable extinguishers and fixed fire fighting systems on board any ship, fire safety pipeline, fire hydrant system spares, fire safety wear, fire dampers, foam monitors, fire retardants, fire pump controllers, steel fire sprinkler, additives, fire alarm system accessories, fire extinguishing agents. Fire fighting equipment services may include fire extiguishers certification, inspection, maintenance and repair, FF fixed system foam tests and certification, private protection equipment maintenance and repair. Many Companies train personnel in fire fighting.

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In operation since 1898, the Vane Brothers Company offers an ever-expanding range of maritime services all along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.

Fire Fighting Equipment services & Life-Saving Equipment services in Bangladesh

Fire Fighting Equipment services & Life-Saving Equipment services, Annual Inspection of Free Fall Life Boat in Bangladesh

Fire extinguishing equipment and systems inspection and maintenance. Inspections and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus in Chile

Fire extinguishing equipment and systems inspection and maintenance. Inspections and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus.

SEASAFE offering a diverse range of LS and FF services in the marine and industrial sector in Bangladesh.

Ace Group provides broad spectrum of products andf services to marine and offshore oil and gas industries.

Riding Crew / On-Voyage Repair Team in Malaysia, Off-Shore Marine & Industrial Engineering, All Types of Structural Steel & Pipe Fabrications

Thomas Safety provides a full range of services and equipment so that your operations can continuously meet environment, safety and emergency compliance requirements.

Fire Fighting Services, inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment and systems in Denmark

Protect the value of your fire fighting system

Lifeboat & Launching appliances inspections, Cargo Gear Testing, Safety services, Firefighting services, Gas detection instrument calibration, Chemical Analysis, Water Ballast system service, NDT, UTM

NDT, UTM, Gas detection instrument calibration, Chemical Analysis, Water Ballast system service, Lifeboat & Launching appliances inspections, Cargo Gear Testing, Safety services, Firefighting services, Safety services