Life Saving Equipment Services

Life Saving Equipment Services, LSA services, lifeboats, life davits, inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release units, inflatable rescue boats, marine evacuation systems, examination and maintenance of lifeboats, testing and repair of rescue boats, launching appliances and release gears, lifeguards, personal protective equipment (PPE), maintenance and replacement of life jackets, maintenance of life rafts, inspection of release systems and retrieval mechanism in accordance with MSC.402(96), MSC.404(96), load tests on crane systems, gangways, decks, lifting beams, bridges and boats, davits and release mechanisms, marine inflatable liferafts services, service of immersion suits and inflatable lifejacket, supply of safety equipment, liferafts service station, ship safety station, inspections and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus

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With its effective and high quality service network company is able to provide equally efficient service in all Turkish ports

Fire fighting services, Load tests, Life-saving equipment services, Life boats services, Life rafts instections

General ship supplier in ports of Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Venezuela