Fire Fighting Equipment, Life-Saving Equipment Services, Underwater Repair Services in Dominican Republic
Life boats, Fire extinguishers, Breathing Apparatus, A/C Spare Parts and Repair, General Ship Supply in Israel
Communication and Radionavigation group of companies brings together professionals in the field of radio communications and navigation with the goal of providing high-level supply, inspection, maintenance and repair services.
Fire Fighting Equipment and Life Saving Appliances Services in Europe and USA
Medical equipment sdales and servicing, medical gases, cylinders accessories, resuscitation and other medical supply in Australia
General ship supplier, ship navigation, communication, LSA, FFE, logistics services in Baltic region and Canary Islands
General Ship Supplier Italy
We are an Approved Service Provider committed to Safety of Life at Sea for over 75 years. Globally present with our subsidiaries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Active worldwide in all shipping sectors.
Life-saving appliances services in China, EEBD service in China, Foam inspection in China, Fire-fighting services in China
Electrical spares, Automation spares, Fire rescue equipment, Communication & navigation equipment, Spare parts supply in China / ANS MARINE TECHNICAL CO.,LTD